The destashing has been going well, if the pile of boxes waiting to be mailed tomorrow are any indication. I'm feeling much better about the stash now, too. As I clear out the yarn I don't plan to use, I'm finding yarn I forgot I had! And since I have no plans for that,'s listed. I put 25 yarn lots up on Rav today, and some were claimed within minutes. Yay! Tomorrow I hope to start listing the stash fiber I'm not going to spin.
Also tomorrow, I'm hoping to put a few new things into the Etsy shop. There's been a delay in the Special Secret Project, and since I'm accumulating so much dyed fluffiness, and taunting you with it...I thought I should give you a chance to claim some for yourself. I'll let you know when it goes up.
Though I admit, I now have another problem...
Nooo! Send all the fiber you won't spin to meeeee!!! I just finished spinning up the fiber you sent me (it's in singles now waiting for me to decide how I want to ply it).
I do hope you are feeling better.
The poppies are waiting for you.
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