Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Snow Days make for Knitting

Today is Day:2 of the Too Cold to Start The Buses campaign. There's been no school, partly for the fact that the diesel buses don't have heaters for starting them, and partly because a windchill of -25F in the morning is a bit chilly for standing out and waiting for said bus that won't start. I haven't even been outside since Sunday evening. I should probably get yesterday's mail at ome point, but Hey! It's cold out there!!

I have been home with Little Boy, since even the daycare is closed. Thankfully, he's very good at entertaining himself, and I happened to bring home the thumb drive with the paper I'm writing for work. So I've been working at home, and making great progress!

And, as promised: photos of the socks.

Finshed Socks! (For Little Boy. He chose the yarn...)
Yarn: Colinette Jitterbug, Lagoon colorway
Pattern: my own toe-up sock pattern, cuffs and instep in 2x2 rib
Needles: size 3mm
Started: January 10, 2007
Finished: January 26, 2007
Comments: fast, fun knit. I still don't enjoy knitting ribbing, though.

I went the weekend without a pair of socks-in-progress, and cast on a new pair on Monday. By Tuesday night I had this:

I cast on the second on Wednesday morning. By Friday night I had this:
Finished Socks! (For me!!!!)

Yarn: Koigu KPPPM, color P514 (every shade of green known to man...)

Pattern: my own toe-up pattern. Small 2x2 ribbing at top.

Started: January 29, 2007

Finished: February 2, 2007

Needles: 2.75mm Brittany dpns

Comments: Easy, very quick knit. Ugly, ugly, hideous yarn. This stuff feels great. But let me tell you, this colorway has every shade of green ever found with specks of orange and yellow thrown in for good measure. Everyone who's seen them agrees they are horrendous. They fit nice, I love the yarn, but I'm considering throwing them in the dyepot, just to get rid of these greens!!!

So then I was without socks-in-progress again. I went and resurrected the Socks That Hate Me. It was time. So I finished this one Saturday night:

And by yesterday afternoon, this was on my floor:
My mom gave back the purple Schafer socks - they were too big for her. So she gets the latest pair. They Hate Me anyway, and she likes the colors. So, stats on the Socks That Hate Me:

Yarn: Opal Petticoat

Pattern: my toe-up pattern, small ribbing at the top

Needles: my antique knitting pins (the source of the Hating)

Started: 2005? 2006? I don't remember anymore.

Finished: February 6, 2007

So I am once again without socks-in-progress. I started fishing in the stash, and played with cast-ons last night, but nothing stuck on the needles. Maybe I should finish up one of the sweaters I'm working on, then start the gansey for my stepfather...

Snow days can be fun!

Even if I do have to work from home...

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