Monday, March 12, 2007

Much needed spin-in

The experiment continues...I spun up the yarn I dyed last week.

And a close-up:

The small skein is about 50 yards, and the large is about 90 yards. Together they weigh about 3.3 oz.

The brown/green/purple that was meant to be brown/black/pink was really, really neppy. Rather annoying, as I had wanted this to be sock yarn.

I was frustrated, and didn't quite know what to do with it.

So on Saturday, I packed up my wheel and wool, and headed off to Howell, MI, where I found the Spinning Loft. What a neat, wonderful, welcoming store! I missed it the first time, and had to circle back - it's rather non-descript. But Oh! The wonders hidden in that tiny loft! Entering the back door of the building, there was actually a place to leave your shoes!! Surrounded by cabinets literally bursting with wool, I left my shoes at the bottom of the stairs, and followed the intoxicating odor of fresh wool up to the second floor, where I was simply overwhelmed.

I was invited to bring my wheel in, and had a good chat with the young woman minding the shop. She was extremely pleasant, despite the fact that I was interrupting her homework.

Soon, Beth returned. I pawed through the piles and baskets and shelves of wonderful things to spin, perused the bookshelves, and at one point I know I was sitting on the floor, my legs completely covered in gorgeous silks and mohair and wool and cotton and...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I had the most wonderful day, Beth!

It was Beth who pushed me, and suggested spinning that annoying wool think-and-thin and plying it. Not my normal, or preferred, type of spinning. And I did have to work at it, I've become so accustomed to spinning fine even yarn.

And I'm so glad I did - I've improved in spinning thick-and-thin, and the finished yarn is so squishy and soft!!! I haven't washed it, but I really like it! I have no idea what to do with it, but I like petting it...

Sunday I went for a long hike in the woods at the MetroPark. Had a lovely time. Little Boy came home to me Sunday night (after spending the weekend with his dad) and so the week begins all over again...

Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. I had a great time too.
    I hope you can come and spin with me next time you have a day.
