Friday, March 02, 2007


I've been having fits of fiber this week. After the rush of socks in January, February has been rather lean in terms of finishing knitting. I have a pair of socks on the needles (of course. What else would I have done while waiting for one of the infamous downriver coal trains to pass through...?) and I have an at-home project (a sweater).

But while I'm still feeling the love for the sweater (soon to be revealed), I'm ready for it to be done. It's getting warm out again, and while, granted I only started it in November? December? I'm definately ready to wear it.

Spinning? I was trying last night. I'm getting bored with all those Shetland laceweight singles miles, and tried to do something different.

Apparently I've lost all ability to spin thick. Everything I tried came out awful or worked its way back to fine laceweight singles.

So I tried something new again tonight. Wel, not exactly new, but different anyway.

I love my balance. It lives on my kitchen counter.

I know folks rave about their fantastic electronic scales...but there's something about an old pan balance that just comforts me. It weighs up to 300g, accurate to the 10th of a gram.

The ball on the balance (well, actually, the twin of that ball, as I split the roving in half weight-wise) found its way into my sink. With a little Synthopol.
And then it took a dive into my (icky) slow cooker.

See that lovel steam? It's simmering away in my basement bathroom. (My mom had that floor done - the whole basement is done in black and white diagonal checkers.)

Note to self: get some big black and read disks for Little Boy to play floor checkers.

So while that's going, I figured I should take a few pictures of some of the other bits that are hanging around...

That's about 6 oz of Lorna's Laces roving, spun into 550 yards of dk weight 2-ply.

Isn't it pretty? I love the patches and blotches of solid color and the random marls where they overlapped!

I also spun the last four ounces of the roving into 464 yards of 2-ply fingering weight. I'd show you a picture, but it looks exactly the same as the dk-weight. Just finer.

I've put Little Boy to bed, my pot-o-roving is still simmering, it's Friday night, and I'm tired.


  1. You spin beautifully! How do you like that Lorna's fiber for spinning? I came *this close* to buying some at one of my LYSs, but I wasn't sure I was crazy about the texture. I may have to change my mind, since yours is so pretty!

  2. Thanks, Alyson!

    I'd respond with email, but Blogger isn't letting me...

    As far as the LL roving goes, I found it to be somewhat felted, and it required a LOT of splitting and pre-drafting. I was rather disappointed with the spinning process of it, and for the price, I guess I expected...more. The colors are fantastic, and I have another (in reds and oranges) to spin, but I'm considering DeStashing it.
