Friday, January 11, 2008


Blog: meet my mother, Linda.

(She's modeling the Ariann sweater I knit last year that's too tight in the bust for me.)

Mom is also the recipient of socks. And the first sweater I ever knit, photos of which look terrible, so I'll not share them.

My mom is significantly shorter than me, retired, and quite obviously, my mother.

She can also whomp me. She can leave me panting in her dust.

  • She ran a half-iron triathlon last year. And finished. And wasn't last.

  • She rides 150 miles (in two days) for charity every year. And is a repeat large-fundraiser for it.

  • She runs marathons, duathlons, and triathlons as a regular summer activity.

  • And still has time for boat races, grandkids, and 3 mostly-grown-up kids.

  • And her husband.

  • And her house.

  • And she's a Master Gardener and MBA. Both of which she earned while parenting and working full-time.

I'll stop there, but know that it's not the end of the list...

There are two reasons I'm telling you all this:

  1. She's my mom, and I don't say alot about my family here, even though they're extremely important to me. I live only a few miles from my parents, in their "old" house (that I intend to buy), and I don't know how well I would have done the last few years without their support. Mom takes my Little Boy to swim lessons, and to practice at the pool every week when I'm working late, watches him when there's no school, and is the local Grandma I think all kids want and need. She was single Mom to us, and was a great example of a strong woman, one who broke through the gender barrier in the workplace, and showed me how to stand up for my rights. And to fulfill my responsibilities.
  2. She's biking across the country this summer. And she's blogging about it. Yes, on top af all that, my mother has a blog. Only in her world, "blog" doesn't mean "weB log" as much as it means "Bike log".

So stop by, and cheer her on. She's going to be on her bike for 50 days this summer, biking from one coast to the other, including pedaling over the mountains! Mom has started blogging already, giving us the insight into her choices, her training, and the preparation required.

Imagine: 50 days on your bicycle, and you can only have 2 duffel bags. Of a limited size. And not to exceed 30# each.

I wish I were going...


  1. Cool mom! Thanks for telling us about her.

  2. Man, I'm impressed by your mom! And also tired....

    I love the sweater :)

  3. New to your blog. Love your writing style.
    Dare I share mom's blog with my cyclsit husband? He'd love to bike across the counrty. I'll juat have to remind him, he cant right now!

  4. I'll start reading your blog - and what better post to start with than your mother, who in point 1. is exactly what my mother is for me and my daughter! (but mine is ill so not sporting so much)
