Thursday, April 24, 2008

Quiet Productivity

I'm getting things done.

But not taking pictures. I'll have to take care of that. But not today.

I haven't finished the WWI washcloth yet, but it's sitting next to my knitting chair at home.

I finished a pair of socks I started last week. They're cute, they're lace, and I couldn't resist the yarn once I touched it.

I finished weaving the last of the Chirstmas Towel Warp that's been sitting on my loom since....well, Christmas. It's the last one, and I'm keeping it. I used a little bit of each of the colors in this year's towels, as a sort of notebook-thing for remembering. I'm already shopping for the colors for this year's towels, even though I have more than enough yarn to weave them. I really want the colors to change every year, so that when each one comes out different from all the rest, as I intend them to, they'll be identifiable by colors and warp pattern.

I'm almost finished another pair of Little Boy socks. His feet are getting big!

I'm making headway into my mending pile. As part of the "Year of Getting Rid of Unfinished Projects".

I've frogged a few things. (It's not the year of FINSHING, it's the year of GETTING RID OF unfinished projects!)

The torso sock is almost to the armpits. Again. Only two more inches before the divide for front/back! YAY!

There are 3 more boxes of unwanted stuff hanging out in my basement, ready to go to the giant Goodwill pile in the garage. I fully intend to phone a charity and let them come get all this crap when I'm done sorting. It feels so GOOD to make stuff disappear and not bother me anymore!!

I'm in the 3rd 10oz top of 4 that I'm spinning for one batch of yarn. But I'm thinking I need one more of one of the colorways, for proper blending in the plies. Over 4 pounds of top, spun to one consistent yarn. No wonder it's taking me so long!

Let's see...did I miss anything?

I think I've mentioned most everything...I am still working on articles and examples, but with all the sunshine lately, in a state known for low overcast skies? Can you blame me for playing outside???

And I can always blame it on gardening season. We gotta eat, you know.

And food tastes so much better fresh from the garden!

Just ask the deer.


  1. Isn't great we can start gardening? I just got my plot today, can't wait to start planting flowers and vegetables. My friend requested zucchini, and promised to make some of her yummy zucchini bread in return. mmmmmmmmm

  2. Yay for getting things done and new things growing! The sun finally came out in Moscow, too, and there's an itty bitty strip of earth next to our building, suddenly full of tulips.

    I know have WIPs in four locations, in two countries and three US states. Sigh. Cleaning it all up should take me the next 6 months at least, I think, and that's *not* counting on the new spinning wheel I'm going to get which...gosh...may end up distracting my attention a bit! :-) Did Beth tell you I think I've decided on a Kromski Sonata??
