Sunday, March 15, 2009


I knit a new pair of socks!! (pretty, yes?)On my knitting machine!!!!
First successful pair on the machine. Ever. Short row heels and everything!

OK, so the colors on the ribbing are weird, but I'm not complaining at all. I received the yarn on Friday afternoon, and by Saturday breakfast I had a new pair of socks!

In case you were wondering what I've been up to lately. The learning curve on making socks with a flat bed machine, with ribber, is really, really steep.

I have a feeling I'm not going to have much of a sock yarn stash soon.


  1. Looks like you're ascending that curve! Very nice socks.

  2. Very nice. What kind of machine do you have?

  3. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Well done! I tip my hat to you ... having owned several knitting machines for years, and NOT having mastered knitting socks on them yet... WELL DONE YOU! :o)
