Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Quick Knit!

I started knitting a sweater on Sunday afternoon, two days ago.  Kimberley, from A Collector's Item, by Jade Starmore.  Really, a pretty sweater, but lots of stockinette...so I broke out the knitting machine.

Last night I cast off the second sleeve.  The fronts, the back, and the other sleeve were done on Sunday.  I started hand-knitting the edgings last night and am halfway done this morning.  I have to knit the inserts, block everything, sew it together, and knit the collar and it's done.

I'm in shock that I got through the bulk of a sweater that quickly, and it's one that I've been wanting to make for quite some time!  I'm getting very excited about this!  And the coolest part?  I only had to knit each piece once, with the exception of the back, which took an extra half-try to get the shaping right at the hem edge.

I'd give you a picture, but it would be just a blob of black.

Yes, I'm getting into sweaters my mother can't/won't steal.  She doesn't wear red or black, so this one and the last one are both safe from her.  Now if I could just get her to give up the black, white, and tan one she has that has sleeves too long for her...maybe I'd call it even on a handknit.


  1. Dude. A Starmore, on a MACHINE?? You know Alice is gonna send an Irish knitting hit squad after you now, right?

    (Seriously, though... PHOTOS!??!?)

  2. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Another knitting victory a la machine!! We really need those once in a while! Feels pretty good, doesn't it?? LOL!!
