Thursday, March 16, 2006


This would be my first knitblog post, in my first knitblog.

I've been reading them for a while, and kind of lurking on some, and it's weird how you can come to view people you've never met as part of your own community. I have little knitting community here, and get most of my knitting moral support online.

But I suppose before I get too far into this I should make my confession: I am a sewer, too. I was a sewer first and longest, and have actually worked for a number of years, both for others and for myself, as a sewer serving the special needs of the historical re-enacting communties. And I loved it. Throughout most of that time knitting was what I did to relax, or to produce a particular period garment that someone had requested. I still lean toward traditional patterns, or garments with history behind them. So don't be surprised if you find a bit of sewing or history thrown in to this thing. It is Historic Stiticher, you know!

Now, I work as a chemist, serving the environment, in a climate of a government that serves industry. And I knit like a fiend to relax.

So what am I working on?

Well, when my brain isn't mush, I work on this: my lovely little dishrag I like to refer to as "lace". It the "Rippling Waters" pattern from Fiddlesticks Knitting's "Two Lace Scarves" pattern, in Kaalund Expressions "wombat" colorway. I really bought it for the colorway name. Who could resist 'wombat'??

When I need my brain somewhat coherent, I work on socks. The current pair that climbed onto the needles one afernoon when I wasn't really paying attention is in Opal Petticoat, and is too much fun! (How do they do it? How does the yarn make little dots on it?)

And to share:

The short one is almost the same as the long one right now. I'm in the habit of making both socks simultaneously, as I absolutely hate starting the second sock right after finishing the first. So I just do both at the same time, on two sets of needles. (These are antique smaller-than-one in steel. I haven't measured them with calipers yet. I'm just knitting, and they make good fabric.) When I get to the point where I want to start turning the heels, I'll do both, then knit both tops till I run out of yarn. I love working toe-up. No thought required.

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