Yarn:less than one skein of Schafer Anne (probably have enough left to make a child's pair of socks)
Pattern: my own toe-up basic sock pattern
Needles: size 0 bamboo
Size: women's 10-ish
Mods: picot hem (hand-stitched at the end. still stretchy!)
Finished: January 2007 (started sometime on the spring of 2006!)

And the Fiddlesticks scarf!! modeled by my adorable goddaughter... (She took home 2 handknits that day!!!)
Yarn: Knitpicks Shadow in merlot(?)
Pattern: Fiddlesticks Knitting Florence scarves, triangle version
Needles: size 5 Addi turbos, circular, and finished on Lantern Moon size 5 ebony (What was I thinking?? dark red yarn on ebony needles??)
Mods: none
Finished: 2 days before Christmas 2006

And I lied. The socks were not the first thing I finished this year. I made this little kimono-wrap sweater for a friend's baby in a day and a half during the week after New Year's. It's bluer than the picture shows, not so grey.

Yarn: 1824 cotton
Pattern: Blue Sky Alpacas baby set, I forget the name, I'll tell you later
Needles: bamboo circs in the size the pattern called for.
mods: none
comments: this was cute, fast knit, and feels very nice!
Finished: a few days after New Year's 2007
OK, I know I need to work on keeping better records. That's what this is for. But I don't feel a need to jump up on finishing something just to mark the day and time when it happened. I think it's more important to remember that my son lost his first tooth on December 27th, 2006, than what date exactly I finished another pair of socks... don't you?
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