finish or frog all remaining UFOs in my stash- limit myself to one large knitting project and one pair of socks at any given time
- finish weaving the Christmas towels before Halloween
- finish making the Christmas wine before Halloween
- only buy yarns I truly love, not just because it's on sale
- pay off all non-house debt
- continue eliminating the things we do not need or use
- focus on controlling paper
- no clothing purchases that are not in line with a simple, refined, everything-fits wardrobe
separate holiday decorations into labeled bins- participate in the Ravelry Machine-Knit-Garment-a-Month KAL (January: Hobbit sock; February: Kimberley (hybrid); March: Bearfoot socks)
- say no when I mean no
- sometimes say yes when I might otherwise not
- backup my harddrive
- get rid of fabrics I'm not going to use
- yell less
- hug more
- smile more
- finish NaNoWriMo 2008 novel
- participate in NaNoWriMo 2009
- post more pictures in my blog
- blog more regularly
- post more tutorials/research in my blog (once/month?)
- knit more with handspun
- take Bug to at least one Cub Scout camping event
- alter clothes I'm keeping so they fit properly
- get rid of clothes I don't like/ don't fit
replace underpants- get rid of mismate socks
- continue decluttering
- finish garage piles
- sell road bike
- clean grass out of pavers in the driveway and patio
- mulch with wool
- plant a garden. again
- bike commute in good weather
- sail
- race (sailing)
- take sports equipment I don't need to used sports equipment store
- take bubble baths
- take inventory of knitting needles
- remove extra dishes from the kitchen
- polish Bug's shoes once a month
- polish my shoes once a month
- file weekly
- pay bills weekly
- update financial software weekly
- donate toiletries I don't want/use
- make sofa cover
- spin from stash
- read a book each month (January: A Year in the Merde, Parenting With Love and Logic, Dewey; February: One for the Money, Two for the Dough, Three to Get Deadly; March: Four to Score)
- keep dining room table clear
- weave something besides the Christmas towels
- finish one scrapbook
- try something new
- give up one "hobby"
- vacuum fridge coils
- re-caulk the bathtub
- take more pictures
- print more pictures
- take care of me
- take care of Bug
- take care of my home
- update my resume
- build the llama fiber business
- sell dyed wool
- sell carded batts
- build a website/shop
- get the muffler replaced on the van
- get the airbag light checked on the van
- take care of my stuff
- use a budget
- get rid of yarns I won't use
- clean out front hall closet
- take care of my money
- use more coupons
- shop the sale ads
- shop less
Sunday, January 11, 2009
2009 Goals (in no particular order)
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