Sunday, January 11, 2009

2009 Goals (in no particular order)

  1. finish or frog all remaining UFOs in my stash
  2. limit myself to one large knitting project and one pair of socks at any given time
  3. finish weaving the Christmas towels before Halloween
  4. finish making the Christmas wine before Halloween
  5. only buy yarns I truly love, not just because it's on sale
  6. pay off all non-house debt
  7. continue eliminating the things we do not need or use
  8. focus on controlling paper
  9. no clothing purchases that are not in line with a simple, refined, everything-fits wardrobe
  10. separate holiday decorations into labeled bins
  11. participate in the Ravelry Machine-Knit-Garment-a-Month KAL (January: Hobbit sock; February: Kimberley (hybrid); March: Bearfoot socks)
  12. say no when I mean no
  13. sometimes say yes when I might otherwise not
  14. backup my harddrive
  15. get rid of fabrics I'm not going to use
  16. yell less
  17. hug more
  18. smile more
  19. finish NaNoWriMo 2008 novel
  20. participate in NaNoWriMo 2009
  21. post more pictures in my blog
  22. blog more regularly
  23. post more tutorials/research in my blog (once/month?)
  24. knit more with handspun
  25. take Bug to at least one Cub Scout camping event
  26. alter clothes I'm keeping so they fit properly
  27. get rid of clothes I don't like/ don't fit
  28. replace underpants
  29. get rid of mismate socks
  30. continue decluttering
  31. finish garage piles
  32. sell road bike
  33. clean grass out of pavers in the driveway and patio
  34. mulch with wool
  35. plant a garden. again
  36. bike commute in good weather
  37. sail
  38. race (sailing)
  39. take sports equipment I don't need to used sports equipment store
  40. take bubble baths
  41. take inventory of knitting needles
  42. remove extra dishes from the kitchen
  43. polish Bug's shoes once a month
  44. polish my shoes once a month
  45. file weekly
  46. pay bills weekly
  47. update financial software weekly
  48. donate toiletries I don't want/use
  49. make sofa cover
  50. spin from stash
  51. read a book each month (January: A Year in the Merde, Parenting With Love and Logic, Dewey; February: One for the Money, Two for the Dough, Three to Get Deadly; March: Four to Score)
  52. keep dining room table clear
  53. weave something besides the Christmas towels
  54. finish one scrapbook
  55. try something new
  56. give up one "hobby"
  57. vacuum fridge coils
  58. re-caulk the bathtub
  59. take more pictures
  60. print more pictures
  61. take care of me
  62. take care of Bug
  63. take care of my home
  64. update my resume
  65. build the llama fiber business
  66. sell dyed wool
  67. sell carded batts
  68. build a website/shop
  69. get the muffler replaced on the van
  70. get the airbag light checked on the van
  71. take care of my stuff
  72. use a budget
  73. get rid of yarns I won't use
  74. clean out front hall closet
  75. take care of my money
  76. use more coupons
  77. shop the sale ads
  78. shop less

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