Tuesday, January 13, 2009

AHA Moments

Ever have one of those days where seemingly unrelated events suddenly fall into a pattern?

It just hit me, about five minutes ago. The connection between last Thursday's stomach cramps at work and yesterday's stomach cramps and today's called-in-sick-can't-leave-toilet-proximity gastro-evacuation.

The almonds I bought last Wednesday. The big box store brand 3# bag of almonds. I ate them last Thursday, and I ate a bunch of them yesterday. As a vegetarian, I eat a lot of nuts. They're a healthier snack than chocolate, add protein to my diet, and well, they taste good.

Sucks to toss 3 pounds! But there's no way I'm touching them again. Can opened food be returned to the store?

On a different note, I had an AHA moment with the Fiber Trends felted clogs I've been working on. (These stupid things are SO addictive! Watch out! I'm almost done with another pair...STASH-BUST!)

They went from this:
To this:
In two loads of laundry.

Too much fun, and he loves them (Notice he's willingly wearing handknit socks).

Apparently they slide on the hardwood floors well.

He likes the garish colors, too.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Are the nuts bad, or have you developed a reaction to almonds?
