Saturday, March 21, 2009

Impending Changes

In keeping with my attempts to remove the things I'm not using, and in trying to surround myself with the things I love, I have been busy.

Today I bought new underpants (#28 on The List, if you care).

I also have been arranging this lovely, lovely barter:

A KnitKing Bulky PC knitting machine, with a boatload aof extras (not shown)...
...for this: (sorry it's sideways!)

Ten treadles, eight harnesses, 6 reeds, four shuttles, and a long, long trip with FedEx.

She's not in my hands yet, but I am SO looking forward to meeting her in person!!!

Not sure what's going to happen to Fanny, yet. She's a bit recalcitrant in general, and I don't know yet if she's going to share nicely. We'll see if I need to find her a new home or not. Fanny is better at rugs and tight warps, but Herald is going to be wonderful at patterning and fun stuff!

Yay for bartering!!!


  1. Anonymous7:41 PM

    I found your blog through Ravelry. What a great barter!!! I can't wait to follow what you make on your new loom! I was also reading about your attempts to simplify and scale back. We've been doing the same in our house. Somehow, having less "stuff" everywhere makes life seem so much more organized even when you don't have control over so many other things. I hope life slows down for you and you're able to enjoy your new loom!

  2. Congratulations!!! Yup! Barter - the "best"!
