Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Way Behind on FOs

I have several finished objects of late.

And my camera is at work in a lab next to the instrument that had to be photographed due to damage in shipping. I left it there thinking I would get to take pictures of the packaging (out in storage, on a shelf above my head...) but got called by the school to come and get my Little Boy. He's coughing. And currently sleeping.

So, to update:

  1. Updated to the "new" Blogger. Made a few changes, nothing huge. Comments welcome.
  2. Finished the Schafer Anne socks. Gifted them to my mother. (They might come back, though. She thinks they might be too big. Darn - they might fit ME!)
  3. I spun, knitted, and gifted fingerless gloves to my little brother (18 years old). Superwash wool, army green, incredibly soft. Did anyone else know that kids in some highschools wear fingerless gloves to cover the fact that they cut themselves on purpose?? The gloves were not terribly well received. I offered to reknit into something else.
  4. I have somewhere over 1000 yards of fine shetland singles I spun during the Boar's Head demos. What should I do with it? I could knit it as-is, or I could ply it and have 2-ply laceweight, or I could keep going, and ply to 3-ply sock yarn... So many choices!!
  5. I finished the Fiddlesticks scarf. I didn't get around to blocking it until nearly 3 weeks after finishing the knitting. I wore it on Christmas day. And it's been folded up ever since.

I started a pair of socks for my Little Boy. He outgrew the last pair without even hardly wearing them! He cried when he discovered they no longer fit. He chose Colinette yarn in the Lagoon colorway. I think I need sunglasses to knit these socks!!! I'll post pics when I can.

I hear my Little Boy waking up! I'll see about pics soon!

Even with a sick child, Life is Good!

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